We often get inquiries on how to keep an Oil Catch Can from freezing. The truth of the matter is there are some cold environments that
In most situations starting your vehicle in freezing weather and letting it run will unfreeze the catch can as well as the hose lines to the can. Take in mind that the hose lines routing to your catch can
Catch Can owners have come up with some great ideas to unfreeze a can. One gentleman took a bucket of water and soaked his can in hot water. He did this by taking a bungee cord and slip the bucket around the Catch Can. He attached the bungee cord to his vehicle frame and the bucket and let it sit for 10-15 mins. Some owners have taken a glove to cover the can to keep it from freezing. Others have suggested insulated tape or even a battery warmer pad. Many owners relocate the catch can during the winter months to make sure the can is in a warmer section of the engine bay.
The dilemma of having a cool can vs a frozen can. During the cold months, an Oil Catch Can will filter out a larger yield of contaminants. The reason is that an Oil Catch Can that is cooler than the warmer “dirty” air being pushed into the can will collect more contaminants. An oil catch can works by condensing The GEN 2 Oil Catch Can is engineered to use this to its own advantage by using centrifugal force. The centrifugal force will push the warm “dirty” air down and out to the walls of the cooler can, therefore, having all the yucky stuff stick to the walls of the can. So during the winter
If you live in an environment that has extreme winter months you need to consider what to do with you Catch Can during cold weather. As most do who live in cold freezing environments allow your vehicle to warm up before you start driving. Drain your can more often. Make sure you have no dips in your hose line and if really